Sunday, June 11, 2006

Great Saturday

How time flies! Yesterday, I was out with my Special and today, I'm at home, blogging. Sometimes, how I wish I could control time - in a way of pausing, rewinding, forwarding or simply playing. :P Anyway, went to Berjaya Times Square to watch X-Men 3 - The Last Stand with my Special and I gotta say it's a great movie. I like it lots although it's saddening at some parts. Scott Summers died. Professor Charles died. Jean Grey died and Mystique (my favourite) lost her powers. On the other hand, I was happy to see Wolverine in full-packed action, very cool, very nice!

After movie, we walked around TS and I did some shopping. Bought VO5 conditioner and Loreal hair mask. And earlier, I bought a book at Borders - Girl with A Pearl Earring (read a few pages and it's good). Also, we went for dinner at a chinese restaurant (out of TS) and the food was delicious. And of course, with my Special around, dining with him made already-delicious food became way more delicious! Mmmmm............And how could I forget about the walking / strolling............yes, it's romantic! :)

*To my Special, I love being and spending time with you....even if we're doing nothing at all.*

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