Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year Entry (Delay)

Yes, my blog is up and alive again after leaving it to rest + hiatus mode for almost 2 weeks. Well, my exam is over and I'm more than just glad.

Wahey, just a blink of an eye comes year 2007. Time does really fly. Sometimes, I feel it's so fast like a speeding bullet, or even a quick flowing river. And from my creative point of view, year 2007 is 'Double O Seven' year, or in a more specific term, 'James Bond' year. Oh well, I guess I consumed too much of 'James Bond' vibe, haha! Anyway, in a more serious thought, 2007 marks new beginning as I believe there would be possibilities and opportunities, and hopefully, I'm able to stretch out my wings and fly. :)

~NYE Countdown to 2007~
Looking back, it's something special indeed as it's my first time celebrating at the beach. Previous years, I celebrated NYE mostly in a simple way, but as for NYE Countdown 07, I celebrated it with my Special and his friends, and yes, it's something different, something special. I had such a great time with him and his friends, and I gotta say it's something that I'll always remember. Well, I may not be able to describe every single moment here (it would be a long, long post), but at the same time, I wanna say every moment spent was truly WONDERFUL.

~New Year's Resolutions~
Meanwhile, when there's new year, there are resolutions. Some people make resolutions and stick to them while some don't. As far as I remember, I didn't have proper resolutions previous years as I rarely kept them. But as for this year, I've set a few as I believe it would inspire me to achieve my goals and strive for success. And to all resolutions makers out there, it might be difficult along the way but always remember, do not give up no matter what. Here is an article about Top 10 tips to get you started and follow through.

Alright then, I shall go now but I'll be back for more. Not forgetting I'll be posting some of the NYE Countdown pictures here soon. :)

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