Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Drama Queen

I think I can be a real drama queen sometimes. Let me tell ya what happened on Sunday. I cried until my nose got red and nope, I didn't cry because of sad movies. I cried because my computer couldn't start. I was so upset and paranoid until I couldn't control my emotions and tears started to fill my eyes. My dad was like "Don't be like this ok? You make me feel upset." while my sis couldn't stop laughing and she was like "You cry because of a computer?????" I know it's funny but I cried even harder and I was like "If everything's gone, it's like I'm losing everything." *I know I should backup all the data and files but I hate to reformat* Basically, I was creating drama but hey, my computer is fine now hehehe.... :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that's not only me, my baby boy as well. Mwhahaha, chill drama queen!