What You Should Know About Facial Masks
There seems to be differing opinions when it comes to the question: Do masks/facials really work?
More tend to say “yes” than “no,” but there are some conditions:
You need to use facial masks on a regular basis. If you only take a multi-vitamin once a month, it’s really not going to make much of a difference and the same is true of facial masks. In order for your skin to reap the full rewards of a facial mask, you need to be applying one at least once a week. Done regularly, a mask can re-hydrate dry skin or soak up excess oil and tighten pores on oily skin. (The best for oily skins are masks make of milk of magnesia). Additionally, AHA peels with concentrations of 20% to 35% with a pH of 3.5 do a fantastic job of making skin appear smoother.
Know your Stuff
If you are applying a facial mask yourself, make sure you are using one that is appropriate for your skin-type. There are ones specifically for dry or oily skin; or if your skin appears to be especially dull you’ll want to find a mask that contains alpha hydroxy acids. Alpha hydroxy masks in particular are much stronger than your average mask, so you should really only use them about once a month. On the other hand, if you are going in for a professional facial or other treatment, make sure you are going to a reputable expert. Many in the field question the use of various peels and other types of skin treatments when performed by anyone other than a physician. If you’re going for a mud mask, an esthetician will do, but anything more complex and you’ll want to make sure you are getting top-notch treatment.
Don’t Expect Miracles, and Just Relax>
Even those who say using facial masks are a bunch of bologna, can’t deny the benefits that come from the relaxation you experience when you are forced to just stop for at least twenty minutes. Just for the sake of argument, let’s say masks don’t do a darn thing for your skin. Well, at the very least, they don’t do any harm and everyone needs at least twenty minutes a week to just lay still and close their eyes.
So, give yourself a facial every week if you feel like it. After all, why not? It certainly couldn’t hurt!
More tend to say “yes” than “no,” but there are some conditions:
You need to use facial masks on a regular basis. If you only take a multi-vitamin once a month, it’s really not going to make much of a difference and the same is true of facial masks. In order for your skin to reap the full rewards of a facial mask, you need to be applying one at least once a week. Done regularly, a mask can re-hydrate dry skin or soak up excess oil and tighten pores on oily skin. (The best for oily skins are masks make of milk of magnesia). Additionally, AHA peels with concentrations of 20% to 35% with a pH of 3.5 do a fantastic job of making skin appear smoother.
Know your Stuff
If you are applying a facial mask yourself, make sure you are using one that is appropriate for your skin-type. There are ones specifically for dry or oily skin; or if your skin appears to be especially dull you’ll want to find a mask that contains alpha hydroxy acids. Alpha hydroxy masks in particular are much stronger than your average mask, so you should really only use them about once a month. On the other hand, if you are going in for a professional facial or other treatment, make sure you are going to a reputable expert. Many in the field question the use of various peels and other types of skin treatments when performed by anyone other than a physician. If you’re going for a mud mask, an esthetician will do, but anything more complex and you’ll want to make sure you are getting top-notch treatment.
Don’t Expect Miracles, and Just Relax>
Even those who say using facial masks are a bunch of bologna, can’t deny the benefits that come from the relaxation you experience when you are forced to just stop for at least twenty minutes. Just for the sake of argument, let’s say masks don’t do a darn thing for your skin. Well, at the very least, they don’t do any harm and everyone needs at least twenty minutes a week to just lay still and close their eyes.
So, give yourself a facial every week if you feel like it. After all, why not? It certainly couldn’t hurt!
I'm not a girl who does facial masks daily but at least twice a month. Perhaps I should really start doing it every week in order to have beautiful skin. Although I get quite tons of compliments on my skin, I believe there's still always room for perfection. :) Anyways, as for beauty spas, I don't visit them as it ain't my cup of tea, thus, I prefer facial masks more in the comfort of my own home. Well, surely it's wonderful to visit the spas as they're luxurious and pampering, however, I feel it's much better to spend on something else like make-up and clothes. After all, there's always D-I-Y facial masks. :)
In the meantime, there's other cosmetic facial masks / products which I truly like, and one of them is St. Ives Peel-Off Hydroxy Masque. Each time I use it, I gotta say it would leave my skin smoother, softer and more radiant, and yes, definitely the top of my beauty list. :D
In the meantime, there's other cosmetic facial masks / products which I truly like, and one of them is St. Ives Peel-Off Hydroxy Masque. Each time I use it, I gotta say it would leave my skin smoother, softer and more radiant, and yes, definitely the top of my beauty list. :D

i have a doggie too...her name is queenie and she's definitely the queen of the house. dad loves her more than he loves me >.<
i might not be working long though...i'm starting my classes on the 20th as i took the 'conditional offer'(a better way of saying i failed my maths...thus making me not eligible even when i scored A's for the remainin two...so paiseh) from taylors.
but i hope that i could still continue working there lar cause i love the preschoolers....esp qin yao, ethan and vern siuw. hahahaha. cze qi also very cute la!
working over at the primary/sec is not so good ler >.<
the kids are too smart for me to handle...esp when it comes to maths. so embarrassin la.... =D
eh...is jydroxy masque from st ives really that good? if so then i need to try on it....roughly around how much? need to budget a bit XD
Queenie... that's a sweet name. Haha don't be jealous la, I'm sure your dad loves you very very much too :D
It's good that you're starting class. I ain't good at maths too and in fact, I hate it :(
Yeah, the preschoolers are very cute indeed, and yup, gotta agree with you qin ayu, ethan and ver suiw are so cute! :D
st ives hydroxy mask is not bad actually. It works for my skin and I think it would work for you too. It's hypoallergenic so no worries to allergy. I bought it in Guardian Warehouse sale quite sometime ago and it cost me around Rm10. The original price is around Rm15 - Rm19 (less than RM20) if i ain't mistaken. :)
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