Monday, August 15, 2005

4 am. Surprise.

Slept at 4 am this morning and seriously, I need to have a good nap later. For your lil info, I didn't go clubbing last night, just dinner and I got home quite early but I guess it's the Collision Course (LP & Jay-Z) that kept me awake ;) As a result, I didn't feel that well this morning and was having a slight headache but things changed when I got a lil surprise in class - A new bottle of Sentimental Dreams (perfume)! It left me pretty speechless cuz I didn't expect it and of course, this time, I will be very careful :)

There's a lot of things that I wanna blog about actually but I just gotta say I had lotsa fun during the weekend and yes, it's gonna be a memorable one!

Ok then , let me go now cuz I seriously need to sleep! Bye!

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