Thought of posting some mobile phones that I think are cool. When I'm free online, I'd "ogle" phones. Kinda lame huh, hehe :P

Sony Ericsson Z530 - It's quite similar to SE Z520i and I kinda like the design although some say it looks like a toy. But when come to compare the features and functions, I still love my Z520i. :)

Motorola RAZR V3 Magenta- It looks H-O-T! And stylish too! I think it would be a great accessory to go with my outfit...Oops, dream on...:P

Samsung D820 - My Special & I saw this at Mid Valley and I think it's cool. And it's sleek as well. There's another model that caught my attention but I can't remember which.

Nokia 6111 - This phone looks very chic and in fact, I thought of getting it last time. Too bad, it wasn't released and as a result, I bought the SE Z520i instead. Well, I heard lots of people saying that 6111 isn't a great one but comes to design, I think it's great.

Panasonic X800 - This is the Shu Uemura edition phone and I think it's really cool,chic and pretty, pretty, pretty.
Well, I gotta say I prefer phones that are either flip or slide, because to me, they are darn cool. :)