Yay! Cheers for MU! And yup, I'm really delighted! :D
Legend has it that St. Valentine was a priest who served during third century Rome. There was an Emperor at that time by the name of Claudius II. Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those that were married. With this thought in mind he outlawed marriage for young men in hopes of building a stronger military base. Supposedly, St. Valentine, decided this decree just wasn't fair and chose to marry young couples secretly. When Emperor Claudius II found out about St. Valentine's actions he sent him to jail.
In the jail, St. Valentine fell in love with his jailor's daughter. He wrote her horny messages and the jailor warned him to stop. St. Valentine, being the horny dog, ignored his warning and even proceeded to have a sexual relationship with the girl. The jailor became furious and killed St. Valentine. Before he was put to death he sent the first 'valentine' himself when he wrote her another letter and signed it 'Your Valentine', words still used on cards today. So, nowadays, you're celebrating Valentine's Day for a horny martyr who got killed because he can't keep his hands off an innocent young girl.